Periodontal Treatment

Most people will experience some form of gum disease at some point in their life.

At its early stages, this is usually reversible, however, when left untreated can advance to irreversible loss of the bone supporting the tooth.

It is one of the most common causes of tooth loss in the modern day.

You may experience bad breath and swollen gums that are prone to bleeding, especially when brushing your teeth.

What we can do.

We provide non-surgical treatment of periodontal disease (Gum Disease), which is considered the first line treatment in addressing this condition.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Periodontitis?

    Long-standing gingivitis can turn into periodontal disease. There are a number of types of periodontal disease and they all affect the tissues supporting the teeth. As the disease gets worse the bone anchoring the teeth in the jaw is lost, making the teeth loose. If this is not treated, the teeth may eventually fall out.

  • What does Periodontal treatment involve?

    Your dental team will remove all plaque and tartar from your teeth. You will also be shown how to remove plaque successfully yourself, cleaning all the surfaces of your teeth thoroughly and effectively. This may take a number of sessions and the treatment may require an anaesthetic. A good oral care routine at home with brushing and interdental cleaning is the most important thing you can do to help prevent gum disease from getting worse. Your dental team will also record the severity of the gum disease to ensure the gum disease remains stable.

  • Once I have Periodontitis, can I get it again?

    There is no cure for periodontal disease, but it can be controlled as long as you keep up the home care you have been taught. Any further loss of bone will be very slow and it may stop altogether. However, you must make sure you remove plaque every day and go for regular check-ups and hygiene treatments by the dental team.