
Dentures are a way of replacing missing teeth with a removable plate. They can be made from plastic or a combination of metal and plastic. Both types may have clips (clasps) to help keep the denture in place in your mouth. Depending on where they are, some of these clips may show when you smile or open your mouth.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are dentures made of?

    Dentures are made of acrylic or metal bases with acrylic teeth. Modern acrylics can be made to be flexible, however, these types of acrylics may not be suitable in all situations.

  • How soon after an extraction can I have a denture fitted?

    We recommend waiting up to 4 months after extraction before having a denture fitted. It is possible to make a temporary denture to replace the missing tooth straight after extraction however these will likely need adjustment and replacement after 4 months.

  • Can I always have a denture to replace a missing tooth?

    Conventional acrylic dentures can work in almost all situations. However, you may need time to adapt to the presence of the denture in your mouth.

    Metal and flexible acrylic dentures may not always be suitable as they rely on the teeth for support.

  • How do I look after my denture?

    You need to clean your denture every day, by removing it and brushing with warm water and unscented hand soap. It is recommended to do this over the sink with the plug-in and the sink partially full of water in case the denture slips out of hand.

    You may also use denture cleansing tablets every 1-2 weeks to sterilise the appliance.

  • What are the risks?

    As with all procedures, there are risks that need to be considered before having treatment. These include:

    • Dentures may rub on the gums causing ulcers or soreness.

    • Dentures may break over time, especially in cases where single small teeth are replaced.

    • Dentures take time to adapt to, and for some people, this may not be something they can adapt to.

  • What are the alternative options?

    The alternative options may include:

    • Accepting the missing tooth

    • Bridges

    • Implants