A bridge is an artificial restoration designed to replace a missing tooth/ teeth. The restoration is supported by one or more neighbouring teeth that are shaped to allow the restoration to fit on the tooth. They are an effective way to replace missing teeth.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are bridges made of?
Bridges are usually made of porcelain bonded to precious metal. Sometimes other non-precious metals are used in the base for strength. There are also new bridges made entirely of a special type of strong porcelain.
How soon after an extraction can I have a bridge fitted?
We recommend waiting up to 6 months after an extraction before having a bridge fitted. This allows time for the gums to heal and settle, ensuring we are fitting the restoration over a solid foundation. For this reason it may be best to have a temporary denture before having the bridge made.
Can I always have a bridge to replace a missing tooth?
You can have a bridge only if you have enough strong teeth with good bone support. Your dental team will help you decide which is the best way of replacing missing teeth.
How do I look after my bridge?
You need to clean your bridge every day, to prevent problems such as bad breath and gum disease. You also have to clean under the false tooth every day. Your dentist or hygienist will show you how to use a bridge needle or special floss, as a normal toothbrush cannot reach.
What are the risks?
As with all procedures there are risks that need to be considered before having treatment. These include:
Prolonged numbness
Sometimes the tooth can be sensitive for a prolonged time.
Shaping the teeth for the bridge may lead to irreversible irritation to the nerve of the tooth, requiring root canal treatment.
What are the alternative options?
The alternative options may include:
Accepting the missing tooth